Tips for preparing your East Valley home’s plumbing, HVAC, and overall security

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Ah, vacation time! It’s that magical moment when you leave the stresses of everyday life behind and embark on an adventure-filled getaway. BUT before you set off on your grand escape, it’s crucial to take care of a few things at home to ensure a worry-free vacation. Our amazing technicians at Arizona’s Dukes of Air share with you their tips for preparing your East Valley home’s plumbing, HVAC, and overall security.

Chill with Your Water Heater: Lower the temperature on your water heater before you jet off. With Arizona’s sunny and hot days, there’s no need for hot water to take center stage while you’re on a trip. Give your water heater a break, save energy, and let it enjoy a cool-down just like you. Bonus Tip: Most water heaters have a Vacation Mode. Check your owners manual for details.

Get your AC in the Fiesta Mood: We recommend upping your AC temperature to a range between 80°F and 85°F while you are on vacation. This temp provides a balance of energy efficiency with the need to protect your home from extreme summer heat.

Thermostat Turntables: Let Your DJ Thermostat Spin the Perfect Vacation Beats: Consider a programmable thermostat and let it become the DJ of temperature control! If you have  a programmable thermostat, cue up the perfect playlist of comfort by scheduling temperature adjustments to match your vacation schedule. Let it drop it low while you’re away and then bring it back up to party mode just in time for your triumphant return.

VIP treatment: Clear the stage for AC’s peak performance by giving those air filters a swap out for fresh ones. Dirty air filters can restrict airflow and reduce the efficiency of your HVAC system. Clean or replace the filters before leaving to ensure peak performance while you’re away.

Power Down and Party On: Give Your Electronics a Vacation of Their Own! Unplug non-essential devices and let them have their own little summer party. TVs, computers, gaming consoles, and kitchen appliances can consume power even when they’re not in use. Unplugging them not only saves energy but also reduces the risk of potential electrical issues while you’re away. 

Be a Detective! Check the seals around doors, windows, and other openings to make sure  they are in good condition. Monsoon rains can be accompanied by strong winds, and properly sealed entry points will help keep water out and protect your plumbing system from leaks. Our Arizona Monsoons season is the same time most of us are traveling so don’t underestimate the winds or random storms in the forecast.

Secure your Backyard:  High winds during monsoon season can cause outdoor furniture, cousins and pool floats to fly to the neighbors or even land over your AC unit! Secure or bring indoors any loose objects like pool noodles, floaties, slip and slides, garden hoses, patio furniture, or decorations to prevent them from causing damage.

Don’t Forget The Fridge: Ditch the old… clean out your fridge before you head on your trip as the last trash day before you leave approaches. This way don’t come back home to rotten food in the trash can or molding in the fridge.

Secure Your Home: Before you embark on your summer escapades, secure your home like a pro. Lock all doors and windows, activate your home security system, and let your neighbors know you’re off on a trip. With a little extra precaution, you can have peace of mind while you are vacationing.

With these tasks checked off your list, you can relax, enjoy your time away, and return to a safe and well-maintained home. Bon voyage and have a fantastic vacation and be ensured your East Valley, Arizona home is happy and cool!

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