3 Air Conditioner Maintenance Tips We Can Help With

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When living in Arizona where temperatures rise as we have seen this summer over 110 degrees for 30+ days and with more hot days to come in the next few months you want to make sure your AC Unit works and is in top shape.

Do keep it running efficiently and make sure it stays working we have come up with three Air Conditioner maintenance tips that can help you keep your home or business cool and keep your AC unit running smoothly.

  1. Get a Programmable thermostat

With a programmable thermostat we install it can help you set temperatures for various times throughout the day and automatically lower temps when you need it to help save you money. This helps so if you are at work or not home you can have the temps raised a bit to save money on energy bills and not run the AC unit as hard.

  1. Keep Your AC Unit Clean

We can vacuum the fins of your Air Conditioner Unit clean with a soft bristle brush. By keeping it clean and while we are there checking all the parts for you it can create better efficiency. Sometimes other backyard or roof debris can get into the AC unit and make it run more poorly or even break. We can help realign bent or crushed fins as well for you.

  1. Replace Air Filters

You should change your air filters at least once every three months if not every month depending on the air filter you use. But again this something we can do for you if they are in hard to reach places. Our AC Unit maintenance plans include checking this for you as well as replacement.

If you are in the East Valley or Scottsdale and need AC Maintenance or Repair call our HVAC experts today.

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